Enneagram Type Under Stress

Please read the following with curiosity – how does this fit for you or how does it not?  These perspectives are a framework for your own self-discovery!


Type 1, The Perfectionist: 

Attention goes to error and correcting error.

Stress in Type: become more critical or judgmental of self or other

Stress moving toward Stress Point:  turn their anger inward and become distressed or depressed or collapse into shame; feel indignant that their expectations are not being met

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point: becoming hyperactive or busy and unable to focus

Type 2, The Giver: 

Attention goes to the needs and wants or others

Stress in Type:  get busier trying to please others, flattery

Stress moving toward Stress Point: when their giving is not acknowledged can become irritable and attacking; blame and make demands; become controlling, distrustful and isolated

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point: collapsing into feeling shame and not good enough; feeling cut off and abandoned

Type 3, The Performer: 

Attention goes to task and goals, accomplishments and a successful image

Stress in Type:  get busier working on gaining approval for accomplishments and building image of success

Stress moving toward Stress Point:  procrastinate, become indecisive and apathetic; numb out with more work, drugs, TV, etc; become less productive and more inefficient

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point:  becoming fearful about what others are thinking about you and trying to get reassurance or give it to important others

Type Four, The Romantic: 

Attention goes to the longed for ideal, what is missing in the present, idealizing the future, and intensity and depth in relationships

Stress in Type:  get melancholy or envious about what’s lacking in self; feeling shame

Stress moving toward Stress Point: feel trapped and do what others want and can’t say no; try to manipulate others into loving them to fill their emptiness; deny and repress their needs; become dependent

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point: get more critical and judgmental of self and others; inner critic gets louder

Type Five, The Observer: 

Attention goes to potential intrusion (what is expected from others), intellectual pursuits, and the world of ideas.

Stress in Type:  withdraw into themselves and their thoughts

Stress moving toward Stress Point: become scattered and distracted; hide from feelings and relationships in multiple ideas, food, drugs or excessive activity

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point: deny what really needs effort by putting effort toward something they are competent; become more controlling and blaming of others

Type Six, The Loyal Skeptic: 

Attention goes to potential danger or what could go wrong and searching or certainty

Stress in Type:  become obsessed with all the possibilities in a situation; consumed with doubt; become paralyzed or conversely move toward risk

Stress moving toward Stress Point: engage franticly in activity to avoid anxiety; take on role or image to feel secure; become aggressive or rigid; tell lies about themselves to cover up or get ahead

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point:  distract themselves with inessential activity

Type Seven, The Epicure: 

Attention goes multiple options, the next interesting or fun possibility or fascinating ideal

Stress in Type:  become more scattered and frantic moving from one thing to another

Stress moving toward Stress Point:  become more critical and judgmental of others; lose humor; become obsessive, irritable and blame others

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point:  isolate themselves from world and their feelings; escape into books, computers

Type Eight, The Boss: 

Attention goes to power and control, potential betrayals and issues of fairness

Stress in Type:  get aggressive with their opinions; become angry and blaming; deny their responsibility

Stress moving toward Stress Point:  withdraw and take less action in the world; close down from feelings; become defeated or depressed; turn aggression inward

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point:  become overly dependent and emotional; collapse into shame and worthlessness

Type Nine, The Mediator: 

Attention goes to others’ positions, keeping the peace, others agendas and needs

Stress in Type:  get more distracted; collapse into feelings of worthlessness; try harder to control discomfort in the environment

Stress moving toward Stress Point:  become overwhelmed with anxiety and worry; become more self-doubting, suspicious, and passive

Overwhelm moving toward Security/Heart Point:  become overly focused on managing situations through activity; can become more blaming of others around all they have to do